Post-doctoral position at IPREM

  • Postdocs
  • Pau
  • Applications have closed.


Work place

IPREM, Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, CNRS, Pau, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France

Keywords: all-solid-state battery, interfaces, ToF-SIMS, in-situ cycling.


The position is part of the “RAISE 2024” (towaRd All solId State battery in 2024), a five years project
funded by the E2S (Energy Environment Solutions) Initiative ( The
RAISE2024 project aims at developing polymer based solid-state batteries up to a Technology
Readiness Level 6 in close partnership with three academic laboratories, IPREM (Institute of Analytical
Sciences and Physical Chemistry for the Environment and Materials – https://iprem.univpau. fr/en/home.html), IPRA-DMEX (Multidisciplinary Institute for Applied Research) and PDP
(research center Pau Public Law) as well as two major international companies, Arkema and SAFT. The
main objective of the project is to develop an advanced battery systems based on solid electrolytes,
which represents a new field in the rechargeable battery domain. Electric vehicles and renewable
energy storage are the applications targeted, with safety, high energy density, no self-discharge, a long
stability/cycle life, easily scalable, low cost as main requirements.

Position and assignments

Interfaces are the key to all-solid-state batteries performance and lifetime but their study remains very
challenging so far because they are buried in the entire battery stack. The objective of this postdoc
position is to study such solid/solid interfaces using surface analysis techniques especially ToF-SIMS
(Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry). Analysis after in-situ cycling will also be
investigated through the use and optimization of a new voltage cycling ToF-SIMS sample holder.
The Postdoc position also includes teaching duty at UPPA (64 hours/year).

Profile request:

· An excellent academic background with a PhD in physical-chemistry and/or in materials sciences.
· A first experience in research in an academic and/or private laboratory would be appreciated.
· Knowledge in surface analysis techniques would be an advantage, especially in ToF-SIMS.
· Autonomy, dynamism, creativity, good communication skills.


· Type of contract: 18 months fixed-term, renewable.
· Date of effective position: September 1st, 2021.
· Net Salary: 2380 euros/month

Required documents:

· A resume, a cover letter detailing candidate’s motivations and 2 letters of recommendation.

Deadline for application : Friday, June 25th; 2021

Contact Advisors: Cécile Courreges and Hervé Martinez (Univ. Pau)
Please send your application to: Estelle Camborde (Univ. Pau)